Worship on September 5, 2021 ─ Communion Sunday, the 15th Sunday After Pentecost

Pastor Char Corbett led us in worship this Sunday. Jane Wilmot provided our musical accompaniment and our choir sang “Celtic Laud” as the Communion Anthem. Jim Corbett read our scripture passages: John 1: 1-5 (http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=497710696). Pastor Char shared her Reflection, “Creation by the Word: It is Good”. In keeping with our tradition for the first Sunday of each month, the sacrament of Holy Communion was celebrated during this service.

The Order of Worship is available here:  https://wp.me/a9HLsD-N0.  Unless otherwise noted, permission to reprint, podcast, and / or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-725951. All rights reserved. Communion Liturgy written by Rev. Char Corbett. Unless otherwise noted, this week’s liturgy comes from “Rev-o-lution Resources” by Rev. Mindi Welton-Mitchell. (http://rev-o-lution.org), © 2020.

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