Worship at Second Congregational Church in Newcastle on November 7, 2021

WORSHIP ON NOVEMBER 7, 2021 ─ ALL SAINTS SUNDAY & COMMUNION SUNDAY:  Pastor Char Corbett led us in worship and Jane Wilmot provided our musical accompaniment. Our choir sang “We Are Surrounded by a Great Cloud of Witnesses” for our Anthem and also led the singing of hymns. Phil Helgerson read our scripture passages: Psalm 126 and Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17 (http://bible.oremus.org/?ql=503163252 NRSV Anglicized Edition). Pastor Char shared her reflection “Restorer of Life”.
Our Litany for All Saints Sunday included names of those in our faith community who have died since January 2020. Candles were lit and names said aloud followed by chiming of the gong in the sanctuary.
Ribbons bearing the names of saints to remember were displayed in the sanctuary.
The Order of Worship for this service is available here and includes the text of Pastor Char’s reflection: https://wp.me/a9HLsD-NP.

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