Worship at Second Congregational Church in Newcastle on January 2, 2022
EPIPHANY IS HERE! Epiphany Day is January 6, 2022. Since Epiphany can fall on any day of the week, many churches observe it on the Sunday before, as we do here at Second Church. The Season after the Epiphany extends through March 1, 2022, which is the day before Lent begins. The theme of the Epiphany Season is Jesus’ revelation of His identity to the world, beginning with the wise men at Epiphany, and ending with the disciples at the Transfiguration.
STAR GIFT SUNDAY – A SECOND CHURCH TRADITION: Today we remember the light of the Christmas Star and the Word made flesh among us through the birth of Jesus Christ. We reflect on the word – our Star Gift – that was followed throughout the past year. What word did you have (or how would you describe the gifts you received in 2021 in one word)? Where did this Star Gift show up in your life? And then, we prepare our hearts to receive another Star Gift for the coming year ahead! Has a word already come to you? What word will you invite to your spiritual journey this year? What practice will you embrace in 2022 with your faith word?
COMMUNION SUNDAY FROM HOME: This Sunday is Communion Sunday. If you are joining us from home or away, you’ll want to arrange elements of bread and cup before the service. In our tradition the bread is symbolic of Christ’s body, so any type of bread will do. Let it be something you alone or you with others in your house may break and share. Then prepare a cup or cups of juice or wine, with or without alcohol. Set these elements in the where you experience worship electronically with our faith community.
The Order of Worship for this service is available as a PDF file here: https://wp.me/a9HLsD-Pa
Please send any questions or comments to webmaster@secondcongo.org.