JOHN ANDREWS FUND APPLICATIONS FOR 2022 will be accepted beginning March 1, 2022. The deadline for applications is June 1, 2022.
Information regarding the application process and related forms is provided through links below.
John Andrews was a long time church member who lived simply, saved his money and bequeathed half of his estate to our church. He and his family provided low income housing on their property in Damariscotta, which now is part of the nonprofit Stepping Stone Housing, Inc.
Responsibility for distribution of the John Andrews bequest has been assigned to the Service Team of Second Congregational Church. We wish to provide grants to local non-profit organizations with preference to those working to improve housing, elder care, literacy and social justice.
Please feel free to share the Application Letter with any local non-profit organization that you think might qualify and benefit from a grant. In addition to the Fund Application Letter for this year, materials needed in order to apply include the Application Form and the Covenant Agreement Form.
Please direct any questions regarding the application process to the church office, (207) 563-3379 or office@secondcongo.org.
In 2021, two grants were made from the John Andrews Outreach Fund: $10,000 was disbursed to the ElderCare Network of Lincoln County to help pay for replacement flooring at Hodgdon Green; $5,040 was disbursed to the Inn Along The Way to pay for flooring in the two respite rooms.
Missionary Update – Robert and Charo Breckenridge in Zambia
Please read and savor these pieces from the UCC Global Ministries Spring 2019 Update. Robert and Maria (Charo) Breckenridge have been serving with the United Church of Zambia at the UCZ University in Kitwe. Robert’s report, “Another New Beginning”, is available here, and Charo’s report, “A Day of Rejoicing”, is available here.
Some older Outreach events are chronicled below:
Have Shoes – Will Travel!
A nice thank you was received this week from the H.O.M.E. Cooperative in Orland, Maine for our congregation’s gift of men’s black dress shoes for an upcoming mission trip. The shoes are being packed in suitcases and will be delivered by mission workers during their April trip to their sister community in Guatemala. Members of our congregation “sponsored” the shipping cost of the donated shoes as their Advent project last December.
Youth Group Christmas Outreach
A snowy day on Thursday was perfect for packing up all of the generous donations given by our church family for the Grace Street Ministry’s work with the homeless of Portland. The youth group is very excited at the response to this collection of gifts, which were delivered Saturday 1/4/14 and will be distributed during the coldest weeks of winter. We collected 8 coats, 2 backpacks, 1 pair of boots, 48 pairs of warm socks, 1 pair of mittens, 7 pairs of gloves, 4 hats, 12 gift cards for Dunkin Donuts and Subway, and 22 chapsticks. Thanks to all for supporting this project, and especially to our youth and to Laurie for walking the walk of our Christian talk.