Online Live Worship 3/28/2021 ─ Palm Sunday

Our Palm Sunday service streamed Online Live from the sanctuary of Second Congregational beginning at 10:00 AM. Pastor Char led us in worship. Jane Wilmot led us in music, augmented with a solo by James H. O’Brien and singing by the Second Singers.

The Order of Worship is available here:   A devotional guide for Holy Week is available here:

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week where we are invited reenact, relive, and participate in the passion of Jesus Christ. Holy Week includes the following observances:

  • Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday), the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.
  • Holy Thursday (or Maundy Thursday), the passion of Jesus Christ and the betrayal of Judas remembered, often with the institution of Communion (although not required).
  • Good Friday, the arrest, trial, crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus Christ, often recalled through meditation on “the Seven Last Words.”
  • Holy Saturday, the Sabbath on which Jesus rested in the grave.
  • Easter Sunday, the celebration and remembrance of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

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