Community? Yes, we’ve got that!
We have a lot to celebrate here at Second Congregational! If you are looking for more ways to be connected, here are some opportunities to consider.
- Lectionary Bible study
- Outreach/mission projects
- “Chat ‘n Chew” lunches – 1st Thursday of the month. (Discontinued during the pandemic)
- Music – whether with your voice, with handbells, or with another instrument, as soloist or in a group
- Service on a Board or Committee
EASTER 2020 – PRE-RECORDED SERVICE FOR 4-12-2020: Rev. Charlene C. Corbett, Pastor of Second Congregational, and Jane Wilmot, Minister of Music, created a worship service during our time of Social Distancing while the church remains closed for all gatherings. Enjoy!
RECORDING OF ONLINE WORSHIP ~ LIVE ON MARCH 22 AT 10:00 AM: Over 20 people connected online and by telephone. At the conclusion of the service there was a chance for people to “unmute” and check in with each other. It was a nice way to feel less isolated.
To view the video Full Screen, click on the square box icon on the bottom right of the video screen.
COMMUNITY SERVICE of REMEM-BRANCE of REV. DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. ~ 1/19/2020: Second Congregational Church hosted this ecumenical community-wide worship service of remembrance. The service included a community choir directed by Linda Blanchard and participation by community leaders and clergy/rabbi from the area. A free-will offering was received to benefit the Maine chapter of the Poor People’s Campaign.
INTROIT MUSIC FROM CHRISTMAS EVE 2019: The Tower Bells Handbell Choir offered this music as the Introit to the Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 p.m. Turn up your speakers, and enjoy!
MUSIC FROM EASTER SUNDAY ~ APRIL 21, 2019 : The Tower Ringers handbell choir and the Chancel Choir offered this music during the Easter Sunday worship service at the Second Congregational Church, UCC, in Newcastle, Maine. Jane Wilmot is the Minister of Music at the church and directs both choirs. Rev. Charlene C. Corbett is the pastor. Turn on your speakers. Enjoy.
Enjoy this slide show of various events that took place during 2018. The slides were shown during worship on February 24, 2019. Thanks go to numerous shutterbugs for capturing the images, and to Hannah McGhee for bringing it all together. Turn on your speakers, sit back and enjoy!
SINGERS AND DINGERS ENJOY A VALENTINES DAY PARTY: Members of the Chancel Choir and the Handbell Choir took time between rehearsals on Thursday for a little Valentine’s Day Fun. Jane Wilmot choreographed the gathering … and was surprised by a Singing Valentine delivered by a quartet from the Nor’easters Barbershop Chorus. Not to be outdone, an impromptu “Singers & Dingers Accidental Quartet” also provided some musical entertainment.
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Day Community Worship 1/21/2019 – video of service
2017 YEAR IN REVIEW: Here is the slide show that was shown during worship on January 28, 2018 ─ the year 2017 in review. Enjoy!
2016 YEAR IN REVIEW: Here is the slide show that was shown January 29, 2017 ─ the year 2016 in review.