3/8/2020 Keeper – Second Sunday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent, March 8, 2020

The scripture lessons for the 2nd Sunday in Lent were Genesis 12:1-4 and John 3:11-17  and were read by Mary Bausch.

The title of the Sermon preached on this Sunday is “Keeper”.  Through the lens of Psalm 121, Pastor Char invites us to reflect on our biblical stories of Abram’s call and Nicodemus’ questions with a focus on God as our keeper. What is a keeper? How are our biblical ancestors known as Keepers? Is it possible that Nicodemus wasn’t a doubter but can be our story guide as a ‘Keeper of Questions?” And do we want to be known as keepers of earthly things (like Willow Tree figurines, fancy cars, church pews and balanced budgets) or be remembered as the keepers of spiritual things, like kindness, justice, joy and hope? As God is our Keeper, we are keepers, too. Let’s explore!

Click  to listen to today’s scripture passages and the sermon “Keeper”.

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